BookThink provides resources for online and open shop book dealers, book collectors, and serious readers. Resources already in place or scheduled to be added in the coming months include first edition designations and issue points for 1,000’s of publishers; detailed and illustrated book terminology; a moderated book forum; an extensive library of active and pertinent book-related links; reviews of books about books; and tutorials on practical book repair, grading, buying for resale, selling books online and off, building a personal collection, and more.

The BookThinker Newsletter

#7, 1 December 2003

BookThinker Update
8 December 2003>>>

Update Announcements
Important announcements for BookThinker readers.

Altered Books
Adding or Subtracting Value?

As a bookseller, the ability to build value into your books is perhaps your most valuable asset. Until now, we’ve focused only on adding intangible value. Today we’re going to talk about tangible value - literally adding seeable, touchable things to a book. This is the essence of book altering, and though many of us may cringe at the very thought of substantially changing the appearances of books, believe it or not there is some potential for profit here. Don’t worry. We’re not going to suggest you take a class in collage, but peripheral opportunities for booksellers do exist.



From the Editor
Introductory remarks for BookThinker readers.

How To Buy First Editions
A Quick-Start Guide

BookThink's quick-start guide to identifying and buying first editions in the field. Don't come home with a large pile of losers. Arm yourself with some quickly learned know-how, and come back with a small pile of winners.

Reprint Publishers
A Primer on Identification and List of Major Players

Identifying reprint editions is another crucial step in the process of identifying first editions. All that's required for spotting most of them is a short list of reprint publisher's names.


Previous BookThinker Update -
Update Announcements
Important announcements for BookThinker readers.


Collecting Science Fiction
Introducing the Column

New this week at BookThink! Tim Doyle's column, Collecting Science Fiction, begins today with an overview of upcoming columns. If you're an SF reader or collector, or perhaps a seller looking for market advice on the genre, it's all here.

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